Follow-up of operational instructions: operational management of a mixed coal-gas industrial boiler plant

Our client, a leader in chemistry and energy management, operates a large boiler house (> 300 t/h steam), already largely optimized from energy perspective. His request was to see how big data analytics was able to push energy performance one step further. This was, to be honest, quite a big challenge…
We analyzed a 1-year data set of variables and identified, with the client’s help, some areas of improvement in the boilers management, due to variability of operations. We implemented real-time operational instruction driving tool (750 alerts calculated every 30 seconds) while automating shift reports sending.
Thanks to automatic reports and information sharing, energy savings achieved are estimated 0.4% of an annual invoice of around €100 M, which largely pays for the Energiency platform use.
Discover more about our solution for the industrial energy efficiency
Our offer is based on an energy management software and a dedicated team of coachs specialized in energy efficiency.